Uanzishaji Wa Imani Taasisi ya mafunzo ya Isaya 58【電子書籍】[ All Nations International ]

Uanzishaji Wa Imani Taasisi ya mafunzo ya Isaya 58【電子書籍】[ All Nations International ] Uanzishaji Wa Imani Taasisi ya mafunzo ya Isaya 58【電子書籍】[ All Nations International ] Uanzishaji Wa Imani Taasisi ya mafunzo ya Isaya 58【電子書籍】[ All Nations International ]

<p>Foundations of Faith translated in Swahili is a simplified, concise discipleship plan that builds a firm foundation in individuals, families and congregations. It is written in readable and understandable language for everyone including those who read English as a second language. Since 1954, All Nations International has used this curriculum to train men and women in the principles of Isaiah 58.</p> <p>This training is now available regardless of location or knowledge and the eBook and App include videos that help students grasp key principles.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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